Bunkie, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Bunkie Louisiana is a great place to live. The average household size is 2.7 people. This is higher than the average for other places in the region. While this is not as large as some places, Bunkie has a higher family size than many others. The average household income is $66,666 per year.

The population of Bunkie is approximately 4,170 people. It is located in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana. The city is located southeast of Bubenzer. The median age is 38 years. There are several schools in the city. There are also churches and other places of worship.

Crime rates in Bunkie City are slightly higher than the national average. The population density is lower in parks and major airports than in residential neighborhoods. This could be due to fewer people living in these areas. However, crime does happen anywhere where people are. Considering this, crime rates in Bunkie City may not be as high as they are elsewhere.

The median household income is below the state average. In addition, the percentage of Hispanic and foreign-born residents is significantly lower than the state average. Approximately 8% of residents in the city are college students.