Castor, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Caston City, Florida? If so, read on for some vital information. This city is home to 242 people and is experiencing 63.2% growth since 2020. The median home price in Castor City is $65,400, with a 7.5% appreciation over the past decade. The average commute time is about 32.6 minutes. The city's school district is led by Joy-Dee Wallace.

The population of Castor City is 217, with a male to female ratio of 41:59. This means that there are 14.1% more women than men. The median age is forty-nine years old, and fifty-one percent of residents are considered employed. The median household income is $29,000, with 73.1% of households identifying as white. Only 2.6% of Castor's households are Hispanic.

The community is home to several large and small businesses. Castor Avenue was originally farmland and grew into rowhouse blocks during the 1950s. The area's stability is one of its biggest draws, with population growth of over a thousand people per year over the past two decades. Single-family homes were converted quickly, resulting in larger individual households. Another key factor that has contributed to the rapid growth of Castor City is the increased number of young people - more than half of the city's population is under twenty years old.

One of the oldest families in Castor is the Smith family, which was destroyed by a tornado in 1950. The family lost six members during the tornado. They included Celia Sullivan, her sister Dottie Jo Knotts, and her cousin Prentice Little. The Smith family's homestead was later sold to Jerry Cotton Guin, who raised bees there until 2009.