Cottonport, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Cottonport City? The answer is 100.0%. In fact, Cottonport Louisiana is the number one city in Central America in terms of population density. If you are looking for statistics on a specific area, you should visit the About Page to find out where the data comes from. Also, remember that this information may change over time, and that you should verify it with the city's government before making any final decisions.

When looking for a new home in Cottonport, consider the neighborhood. If the houses all look alike, then that is a bad sign. Also, check to see if there is parking space available. If not, check the neighborhood's maintenance. Are the neighbors friendly? Do they maintain their yards? If you're looking for a place for a family, consider the neighborhood's proximity to stores and public transportation.

There are some crime statistics in Cottonport. Compared to surrounding cities, Cottonport is safe in terms of vehicle theft. Although the city's population is smaller, crime rates are lower. Compared to other Louisiana cities, Cottonport is also safer than the national average. Moreover, the city has a lower rate of vehicle theft than the state average and is safer than the national average. The following table lists the crime rates of cities with a similar population.

The city was founded in the early 19th century and incorporated in 1888. In the past, large ships made their way through Cottonport to New Orleans. The deep waters of Bayou Rouge made it possible for boats to turn around easily, and the cotton that was grown in Cottonport was exported far and wide. Cottonport City was named after this important aspect of the city's growth. This fact was a major motivating factor for early settlers to name the town Cottonport.