Effie, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the population and steets of Effie City, MN, you've come to the right place. Use the map below to learn more about the town. The data shows the percentage of residents of different races and ethnic groups. Effie is home to a diverse mix of people. You can learn more about the diversity in Effie by looking at the diversity map and its data on the city's race and ethnicity.

Effie has low crime rates compared to surrounding areas. Crime rates are lower than the national average and Minnesota state average. The crime rate per 1,000 people in Effie is a B-. While this is not ideal, crime rates are still lower than those in most American cities. You can also compare crime rates in nearby cities to see where Effie ranks when comparing population and crime statistics.

Effie has a population of 118 people. The median household income in Effie is $48,750. The city has a low poverty rate of 0.91%. Its median home value is $145,900. If you're considering living in Effie, it is important to understand its economic status. If you're single, Effie is the right place for you. It is home to many seniors and families, and offers an easy-to-manage community.

Effie, MN's population is largely white. The city has a relatively low percentage of black residents, which is surprising for a small town. A minority of residents, however, speak a language other than English. That means that Effie is home to 2.4% African Americans, 0.2% Asians, and 0.1% of residents of two races. The median household size in Effie is 2.56.