Grambling, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a more detailed look at the local demographics, check out the Population & Steets in Gramling City. The following data shows the percentage of households in Grambling that own their home. This is far better than the average for Louisiana, which is 25 minutes. Additionally, the number of people walking to work is extremely low, with only three percent of residents doing so. To get a better feel for the city, check out the online map and use the buttons to navigate around the area.

Demographics are always helpful when planning a new city. Grambling's population data indicates a large proportion of people under age 20. Interestingly, the city has a lower proportion of people between the ages of 40 and 49. Although Grambling is one of Louisiana's oldest cities, there are still some younger residents here. However, the average income in the city is $33K, about $27,000 less than the average resident of Louisiana.

The area's average birth rate is 3.1%, with the highest percentage of women under 35. As far as birth rates are concerned, Grambling is tied with Ruston for the lowest birth rates and the highest divorce rates. Population data is also important because of poverty rates, which can vary wildly between cities. While some localities have higher birth rates, Grambling is one of the least-density cities in Louisiana.