Husser, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The unincorporated community of Husser is located in Tangipahoa Parish in Louisiana. Its ZIP code is 70442. You can find out more about Husser's population and its history by browsing through this article. We hope you find this information helpful and that you enjoy your stay in Husser City. However, if you have any questions or would like to learn more, don't hesitate to contact us!

The most common racial group in Husser City is French. But other races are represented in the neighborhood as well, with 7.7% reporting Italian ancestry. The youngest residents of Husser City report being five years old. In addition, French is the predominant language spoken in the area. Despite the small size of Husser City, it's the population's diversity that makes the place such an attractive place to live.

The crime rate in Husser is higher than most nearby cities, but it is still significantly lower than the national average. In fact, Husser has one of the lowest murder rates in the entire United States. The city is considered safe despite its modest population. The murder rate per capita in Husser City is 0.011 per thousand residents. In the west area of Husser, crime rates are much lower than in the rest of the city.

While Husser is a relatively small city, it has plenty of open spaces and relatively few residents. This means the neighborhood is far less congested than ninety percent of American cities. Additionally, the neighborhood has higher proportions of Greek and French ancestry residents. If you are planning to move to Husser, be sure to visit the community's website and research the economic aspects of the city.