Kinder, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Kinder? Let's take a closer look at Kinder City, Louisiana to see how it fares against the national average. The population in Kinder, LA is primarily White, with a high percentage of late-20s to early-40s residents and single parents. Families make up a smaller share of the population, with an overall poverty rate that is just under 30%.

The population of Kinder City is 1.12k strong, with the highest concentration of single people. The unemployment rate is 8.8% for those aged 16 and older, and the lowest is 5.9% among children. Twenty-six percent of the population works for government, local, or state governments. Only 5.3% are employed in education or health care. The area is home to a wide variety of cultural and economic events.

As of 2011, the median property value in Kinder, LA was $79,300. This is 0.33 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rate is 51.4%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. The average commute time for Kinder residents is 18.7 minutes, and they are likely to drive alone to work. The median number of cars per household is two, which is the national average.

The Houston area has a unique socioeconomic diversity and sprawling residential patterns. In recent years, the area's inventory of affordable housing has declined. The region has several areas with flood-prone conditions, making them susceptible to gentrification. Despite these factors, Kinder Institute researchers note that the city's gentrification is increasing. There are not enough affordable units in the city to meet the demand.