Lafitte, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a feel for the local population in Lafitte City, Louisiana, you can check out the latest demographic statistics. The city's median household income is $43,789, making it relatively affordable for most residents. This chart will also show the gender breakdown of Lafitte LA. The gender ratio of the city is about average, and is based on Louisiana averages.

The population of Lafitte LA is 816 people of different races. Approximately 0.0% of residents are African-American, 0.1% are Hispanic, and 0.01% are Pacific Islander. The rest are American Indian or Alaska Native, or mixed. This means that 11.0% of the population is of mixed race. Census data for Lafitte is linked to residential addresses. The data is not complete, so you should contact the city for more details.

The median gross rent in Lafitte City is $645/mo, which includes utility bills, utilities, and some other building costs. This figure is lower than the state's average of $762/mo, and is below that of neighboring cities. The percentage of renters living in Lafitte is 30.1%, which is significantly lower than the national average of 70.7%.

The median income in Lafitte is $55,671 per household. The median education level for women in Lafitte LA is 277.0%, while the number of master's degrees is 58.1%. The median household income is $55,671. Nearly 97% of Lafitte LA households own their homes, while 11.3% live in rentals. While there is a large amount of unemployment, the percentage of people working is still higher than the national average.