Lawtell, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to relocate to Lawtell, Texas, you may be wondering what the population and steets are like in this city. Fortunately, the city is relatively safe and has lower crime rates than many Sparse Suburban communities. Education is another important factor for residents, and Lawtell ranks highly both nationally and statewide for education. Rankings take into account public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher to student ratios, and student and parent reviews of schools. Overall, Lawtell's school district is cheaper than the average for housing, utilities, transportation, health care, and miscellaneous goods and services in the area.

The population of Lawtell is diverse. Residents report being of many racial and ethnic groups. While the majority of residents are White, Black, and French Canadian, important ancestry groups include Yugoslavian, West Indian, and U.S. Virgin Islands. English is the primary language spoken in Lawtell, but Spanish, Italian, and French are also important languages. Residents of Lawtell are proud to be American.

The average Lawtell resident is 26 years old, and 0.00 percent of residents hold a bachelor's degree or higher. Lawtell is also considered middle-income, as only 1% of the population has a master's degree. The city's per capita income was $22,913 in 2018, which is low to middle-class in Louisiana, but above-average compared to the rest of the U.S. The median household income for Lawtell is $91,652. Its residents may be very poor, but there are still many wealthy families and individuals in this city.