Libuse, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in libuse city? Libuse City is located in Louisiana, United States. The city has a population of 4,778 people, and is part of the Lafayette metro area. If you want to find the nearest airport, you can search for flights in cities near Libuse. Listed below are the cities with the largest population and steets.

The population of Libuse was 1,965 in the most recent census. There were approximately 800 housing units in Libuse. The median household income was $30,370, with a male to female ratio of 50:53. The median age was 34 years. The racial makeup of the town is overwhelmingly white, with 82.5% of the population being White. Hispanics make up 5.5% of the population.

Libuse is the mythical ancestor of the Premyslid dynasty. Legend has it that Libuse, also known as Lubossa, foretold the coming of the golden city Prague. Libuse's prophecies were both a warning and a blessing. They ultimately ended the Premyslid dynasty and brought Serfdom and Feudalism to the city.