Lillie, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Lillie City, you should know the Population & Steets in Lilllie City. It is located in the state of Mississippi, and its urban area is home to over 233,897 people. Listed below are the population and steets for the city and surrounding area. You may also be interested in the following information:

Lille is a densely populated city located in Northern France. It is the capital of the Hauts-de-France region. The population of Lille is around 210,000, with a metropolitan area population exceeding one million people. The city covers a total area of 34.8 square kilometers (13.4 square miles). The population density in Lille is estimated to be around 6,600 per square km, or 17000 people per square mile.