Logansport, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographic statistics of Logansport City, Indiana, reveal a number of interesting facts and figures. The median age was 34.2 years, while nearly one-third of the city's population was under 18. Approximately 27.8% of the population was 18-24 years old, while 22.8% of the population was between 25 and 44 years old. Another notable statistic for Logansport City is the percentage of people 65 and over. There are a number of other interesting statistics, too.

In the early 1900s, Logansport became a transportation hub. It was home to the Western Motor Company, which invented the first four-cylinder engine. This town was home to many inventors, including the inventor of many electric appliances. Today, the city's railroads have a switchyard and a small refurbished depot downtown. Although the Pan Handle Depot was demolished in 1962, the local economy has kept its railroad connections.

The median household income in Logansport, Indiana is $38,053. For the 25-44 year old population, the median income is $46,782. For those aged 65 and older, the median household income is $24,965. The city has a total of 7,569 housing units. It is located along Indiana State Road 25 and US 35. Most of the city's housing units were built in 1944. Six hundred and seventy-seven units are currently occupied, with 60% of the homes being owner-occupied. Fort Wayne International Airport is the closest airport.

The population of Logansport is approximately 18,366. This is the county seat. Logansport is situated near Kokomo and the Wabash rivers. The population was 18366 at the time of the 2020 census. In addition, Logansport was home to the Century Career Educational Center. The school provided students with the knowledge they need to save the city's historic resources. This project involved both the city's history and its architectural features.