Mamou, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is intended to help you determine the average income and household size in Mamou City. You can also use this data to compare the city to other cities in Louisiana. Mamou has a population density of 3.4 people per square mile and a household ratio of 51%. Mamou is located in the state of Louisiana, and is one of the most affordable cities in the state.

The median household income in Mamou is $25,198, which is lower than the average for Louisiana and the rest of the country. Even though money is important, residents of this city make less than people in neighboring ZIP codes. In fact, residents of ZIP code 70554 earn less than people in other areas of the city. Therefore, if you are considering moving to Mamou, make sure you research the average income and household size.

The population of Mamou City is approximately 3.16k people, with a median age of 35.5. There are 75 households with incomes between $27,000 and $26,146. This is a decline of -5.06% from the previous year. One in four residents of Mamou City are non-Hispanic, while 0.4% of the population is black or African American (non-Hispanic).

The average household size in Mamou, LA is two people. There are about 4,000 people in the city, but that number could change at any time. Mamou is a small city located in Evangeline County. The ZIP code 70554 is part of the city of Mamou, Louisiana, and is officially named as MAMOU by the USPS. This city is rated Lower Middle Class by the US Census Bureau, with a 3.7% unemployment rate.