Marrero, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Marrero, Louisiana, is slightly more than 31,000 people, with an average age of about 39. This city is located in Southeast Louisiana and is south of Lake Pontchartrain. The climate in Marrero is generally warm and humid, with April and November being the best months to live here. In comparison to other cities in Louisiana, Marrero has a moderate crime rate. Residents commute an average of 27 minutes to work, with most of them driving. However, only a small percentage of Marrero residents walk or bike to work.

The diversity map of Marrero City shows the % of residents of different races in each area. The darker the color, the more racial diversity there is in a given area. In addition, diversity scores are given to each area, and areas in green are more diverse than those in red. More diverse communities mean more people of different races live in an area. However, if you're unsure of where to live, it's best to visit Marrero before making a decision.

The population of ZIP code 70072 is primarily white, with a large percentage of people in their late 20s to early 40s. There are also a few middle-aged adults and single parents, but the percentage of children under 18 is slightly higher than average. The percentage of vacancies is low, but the Census indicates that there are at least two nursing homes in the neighborhood. For more information on Marrero, Louisiana, click on the links below!