New Llano, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in NewLlano City? This is a quick overview of the city's residents. This population breakdown is based on the 2020 American Community Survey, which is updated every year. Please note, though, that this information is not necessarily up-to-date. To ensure the accuracy of this information, we request the US Census Bureau to verify the data.

The boom years that followed the Civil War saw Llano County grow to a population of 7,000 and the city incorporated in 1892. In addition to the railroad service, the city's economy was bolstered by the extension of the Austin and Northwestern Railroad. The improved transportation enabled granite-cutting and finishing businesses. But the population was not enough to sustain the city, as the city's resources remained untapped.

The USPS lists a zip code for New Llano, Louisiana. The ZIP code has a default name, and the city is known by this name. For convenience, we've also included the city's estimated population in 2010 and 2020. Use this ZIP code to lookup any address in New Llano. This way, you'll know how many people live in New Llano.

The ethnic composition of New Llano is highly diverse. Compared to other U.S. cities, New Llano has a higher percentage of men than women. The area has a high percentage of white people (33.3%) and nearly 30% of black residents. Hispanics represent 8.7% of the population. Among residents of the city, the median household income is $43,774. There are also high school graduates in the city (75%) - another important indicator.