Newellton, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent data on the population of Newellton City is based on census data. This data is presented as raw head counts, with percentages expressed as population density per square mile. You can learn more about how this data is compiled in the About Page. The data is tagged with the residential address of each person in Newellton. You can also view the Census's full list of statistics by zip code.

The demographics of the population of Newellton are based on the 2010 census. The area is predominantly white, with about 68.9% of people identifying as white. Another interesting fact about the city is that it is home to nearly 39% black residents. There is a small percentage of Hispanic residents, with only 3.9% identifying as such. The median household income is $31,071 and the average household income is $47,383. The high school graduation rate is 58.6%, which is higher than the state average.

The city was home to a number of notable residents, including C.B. Forgotston, who was elected as mayor in 2000. Unlike many other cities, Newellton's population has declined steadily over the years, resulting in declining tax revenue. The town's detention center and sawmill closed down, and most residents are employed in the agricultural industry. Recently, the city embarked on a street improvement plan worth $200,000 and is working toward becoming debt-free.