Otis, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how safe the city is, you can look at Crime Grade's map of Otis City, Minnesota. The map shows how many crimes occur per 1,000 residents. Crime grade includes both violent and non-violent crimes. The map also shows how often each crime occurs and the severity of each. For example, Otis ranks in the 91st percentile for safety, which means that it's 9% safer than the national average.

The percentage of households headed by married couples is the highest in Otis, with a total of 86%. That's higher than the Massachusetts average of 55%. While it's true that singles are more prevalent in some communities, there's no denying that a significant proportion of Otis residents are not married. In fact, Otis has one of the lowest percents of singles in the entire state.

Other important demographics in Otis include the percentage of people born in other countries. While Massachusetts is home to some of the most diverse populations in the country, Otis is the city with the highest proportion of foreign-born residents. The city's population is one-tenth the size of the state of Massachusetts. Its diversity is reflected in its diverse cultures. Otis' diverse population includes the following ethnic groups:

ZIP Codes in Otis City, OR. Find your town's zip code by looking at our map of Oregon's cities. Use our search feature to search for nearby towns. If you're going on a road trip or exploring the area, check out the towns within 100 miles of Otis. We've also created a list of nearby towns. Use this information to plan your trip.