Port Allen, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Port Allean City, Louisiana, then you've come to the right place. You'll find all of the information you need about Port Allean right here! Keep reading to discover more. After all, there are a lot of great things about this city! Listed below are some of the most interesting facts about this Louisiana city.

As of 2000, the population of Port Allen City is made up of a diverse group. The City Center neighborhood is largely composed of people with French and African ancestry. Among the other neighborhoods, the City Center neighborhood is home to the largest concentration of French and African ancestry residents. Those who are white, however, are not the only ones with these backgrounds. There are also people who identify as Latino and Asian.

In the late 1950s, Port Allean residents almost doubled, with the opening of the port. The number of residents rose steadily as local industries grew. It reached its peak in the 1990s. Today, Port Allean remains a small and friendly town, but still plays a large role in the business of the greater Baton Rouge area. So, if you're looking to live in the area, you'll want to check out the population & steets in Port Allean.

The median income of a person living in Port Allean, LA is $55,426. This is higher than the median income for most people in the United States. Nearly 42% of Port Allean households commute in fifteen minutes or less. If you're in the City Center neighborhood, you'll be happy to know that it's significantly shorter than the average American commute. It's definitely worth the visit!