Saint Landry, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets in Saint-Landry City? If not, it is important to know! You can use this information to help you plan a road trip or explore the surrounding area. Below is a list of towns in the area, as well as distances from Saint Landry City. You can also use this information to search for cities within 100 miles.

The population of Saint-Landry Parish, Louisiana, is about 81,440. In the 2020 U.S. Census, the population of the parish was estimated at 81,440. It is located in the Opelousas-Eunice Micropolitan Statistical Area and the Lafayette-Acadiana Combined Statistical Area. The average commute time for the area is 26.4 minutes.

The percentage of people who are foreign-born is very low, at 0.9%, compared to the four percent for Lafayette Parish. This is because most residents are foreign-born, and many of these people move to the area to seek a better life. For this reason, you should pay attention to local advertisements that focus on foreign-born residents. This will give you a better idea of how many people are actually living in the area.

Statistics can also tell you about the unwed birth rate in Saint Landry City. This statistic will help you understand the percentage of foreign-born people living in Saint Landry Parish. For example, St Landry Parish is the second-smallest place in Louisiana for the number of unmarried White women. The percentage of foreign-born women is 67.2%, which is below the national average.