Sorrento, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a place to live and visit in Sorrento, Italy, you have come to the right place. Here you will find information about the population and steets of this city. If you have never been to this place before, here is a quick guide. Whether you're looking for a quiet place to live, or you're looking for a lively city with many amenities, Sorrento is a great place to visit.

The population of Sorrento City is approximately 6,405 residents. That number includes 3,223 males and 3,180 females. Of this total, 5532 of the people in the city are employed. Another 412 people are unemployed. The city has a total of 1453 buildings. Of those, 1242 are for residential use and 169 are for commercial or productive purposes. In terms of construction materials, 699 buildings were built with bricks, 485 were made with concrete, and 58 are made of other materials. Of these, 125 are in good shape and 786 are in fair to poor condition.

Sorrento was originally a city of the Western Roman Empire. The city was an important port for centuries of seafarers. Its mild climate, elegant streets, and gardens, and friendly citizens earned it the nickname "La Gentile." This city has a rich history of welcoming travelers and has done so proudly. The population has stayed the course of hospitality throughout the millennia.