Starks, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Starcks City, MO are presented below. In addition to providing vital statistics, the following table provides other important statistics. These figures should prove useful for comparing the community with other cities. Population & Steets in Starks City, MO are an excellent way to discover more about this community. With 138 residents, this city has a low poverty rate of 3.4%.

The population of the city was highly educated. In 2016, about 13% of the population earned a master's, professional, or doctorate degree. The three major occupational groups in Starks City are white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, and service industry workers. These numbers may surprise you. But even if you're not educated, you can make your future brighter by embracing a career in Starks City's population-friendly environment.

The median age of all Starks City, MO residents is 38.8, while the median age of foreign-born residents is 34. Compared to the national average of 64.1%, the average age of Starks City, MO residents is slightly older than that. Compared to the state and neighboring geographies, this area has a higher percentage of native-born citizens, but also a lower share of foreign-born residents.