Bass Harbor, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering about the Population & Steets of Bass Harbor City, Maine, you've come to the right place. In fact, you will find the most complete census data on this topic right here. In fact, you'll find everything you need to know about this small town located in Hancock County, Maine. With an official USPS zip code of 04653, you'll find the exact location of any home in the area.

The census bureau uses two methods to estimate population data. One method uses population density. It takes a sample area of the city and then calculates per capita population. The data is rounded and may not total 100%. Households in Bass Harbor City average 2.31 members, while families are comprised of two or more people. The population of this city is relatively conservative, but still represents a significant portion of the community.

Radaris also offers gender breakdowns for cities. For example, in Bass Harbor ME, there are 1,239 people - fifty percent males and fifty percent females. Compared to the average gender ratio in the U.S. and Maine, Bass Harbor is relatively homogeneous. However, if you want to see a more detailed picture of the population, you should visit the city's official website.

The fair-weather progressives are a similar demographic to the rest of the city. Fair-Weather Progressives are liberal, but differ from True-Blue Progressives on a few important issues. For instance, they voted for Proposition 22, but not for the same issues as True-Blue Progressives. They supported full employment benefits for gig workers. By a margin of 52 percent to forty-eight percent, Fair-Weather Progressives are between True-Blue Progressives.