Benedicta, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a road trip, be sure to check out the cities near Benedicta, ME before heading there. This small town is close to larger cities and may even have a local airport. To plan your road trip to Benedicta, ME, search for nearby cities and find a hotel that's within 100 miles. Otherwise, take a look at the population & steets of the cities around Benedicta.

When deciding whether to live in Benedicta, make sure to consider the area's crime rate. Compared to the surrounding cities, Benedicta has a lower crime rate than the state and national average. Also, you might find that Benedicta is safe compared to other cities, which are in the lower tier of the crime index. Regardless, you should keep in mind that crime does happen wherever there are people.

The first census for Benedicta was taken on February 1, 1873, and the population was 400. In 1987, the city was no longer a plantation and became an unorganized township administered by the state. The population dwindled to 177 residents in 1970, but bounced back up to 225 in 1980. Because of this decline in population, Benedicta City is no longer eligible for separate census counts.