Buckfield, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population & steets of Buckfield City, ME? Buckfield's population is approximately 4,600. A quick look at the city's history will show you the city's rise and fall over the years. The area was first settled in 1793, and was known as "Owls Head." Named for the nearby hill, this community was dispersed and included about 20 homes during its heyday before the Civil War. In 1994, the area had only two buildings.

In 2017, the population of Buckfield City was 4,120 people. The median age of its inhabitants was 41.2 years. Twenty-five percent were under the age of 18, seven percent were between 18-24, and twenty-four percent were 45-64. Ten percent of residents were 65 or older. The average household size was 2.58 people. Moreover, the median household income was $43,278. The town had a relatively lower poverty rate than most areas of the state, with a 0.64% rate of residents living below the federal poverty level.

Early settler Benjamin Spaulding founded Buckfield and Monroe. He owned an area of eight hundred acres and preached Acts 24:25. The Rev. R. A. Davis died in Buckfield on March 12, 1881. A short time later, the town had an ice cream factory and a post office. The town also has a fire station, a library, a public library, two veterans memorials, a Community Church, and a fire department.