Cherryfield, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Cherryfield is the state's number five city? It has a population of 55,917, which is higher than the average for the state of Maine. The number of people per square mile is also higher in Cherryfield than it is in Maine. However, before you move to Cherryfield, you should know some basic information about the city. Here you will find the population and steets of the area.

First, let's look at the diversity of the city's population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Cherryfield has a percent of citizens who are foreign born. Compared to other cities, Cherryfield is slightly below the state average. It is 2.3 times smaller than Bar Harbor, which has a population of 12,085 people. The state average is thirteen percent, so Cherryfield's population density is not that much different than other towns.

Next, we'll look at the age of the population. Cherryfield has a median age of 53.3. This makes it much older than other places in Maine, but the average age of residents is lower than the national average. Cherryfield also has more married couples than other areas, with the highest percentage being 64% in the Winter Harbor CDP. There are many reasons to compare these numbers and find out more about the community.

In addition, the city has a smaller population than Maine. This is not to say that there aren't any vacancies in Cherryfield, but that it's important to know how many people live in the area. The number of residents in the 04622 ZIP code is significantly lower than the national average. However, Cherryfield does have a large percentage of single adults. It's important to note that these statistics are not necessarily representative of the whole city.