Dixfield, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The information that follows provides a general overview of the population and steets in the city of Dixfield, Maine. These data can be used by government officials to assess the health and safety of residents in the city. For further details, visit the Population and Steets in Dixfield page. Listed below are the top three sources of information for this city. They are: (1) Dixfield Public Schools, (2) Dixfield Public Library, (3) Population & Steets in Dixfield City

The population of DIXFIELD is listed in the census and by ZIP Code. The city is located in the State of Maine, and its ZIP Code is 04224. The population is expected to grow at a moderate pace between 2010 and 2020. The Dixfield museum page includes detailed information. The museum is located at the center of the city. The population is estimated to grow to around 4,800 in the year 2020.