Machiasport, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to the area but have limited information about it, Population & Steets in Machasport City, Maine may be the answer you are looking for. The population of Machiasport, Maine is composed of primarily American citizens. In fact, the average age is 48. The main religion practiced by the residents of Machiasport is Protestant. Its median income is $42,400, and its median racial or ethnicity is 61.

The area surrounding Machiasport City is comprised of many towns and cities. There is the town of East Machias, Whiting to the north and Cutler to the east. Roque Bluffs is to the southwest. The population of East Machiasport, Maine, is about 5,500. As with any city, the population of this town is a diverse mix of people, but the same characteristics make it unique.

The number of crimes in Machiasport is high in the eastern and central neighborhoods, while it's low in the southwest part of town. While comparing crime rates is not always intuitive, crime maps can provide helpful information. The crime map in Machiasport City shows the average number of crimes per resident and visitor. Compared to other cities and towns in Maine, Machiasport has a relatively low crime rate, but it's not as low as other places.

Rent burden is a measure of how much a household spends on rental housing. It's useful for determining affordability in a city. Machias' rent burden is higher than the state's average of 30.9%, but neighboring cities have lower rent burdens - Brewer has a 32.0% rent burden - and nearby cities, Dover-Foxcroft, a 32.0% rent burden - make rent affordability in Machias more affordable for residents.