Mason Twp, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Demographics of Mason Twp City are compiled from the United States Census Bureau. Its Population 2020 is 778. Compared to the rest of the county, Mason township is the third most populated place. The next most populated place is Coal Grove, which has a population of 1,899, 2.4 times larger than Mason township. However, the demographics show a slight decline, as there is a population loss of 338.

While the population of Mason township is small, it does have its share of single people. The median age is 49.1 years old, which is only slightly higher than the average for the U.S. population. There are also no vacancies in the township for a career. However, there are plenty of people looking to make a living. If you're thinking of moving to Mason township, consider the statistics and the average age of its residents.

While Mason township has a fairly low number of households, the percentage of households with children under the age of 18 is relatively high compared to other areas. Crown City has the highest families percent in the county, with 76.2% of households headed by married couples. Mason township is home to 44 pilots and 25 airmen. The average household size is 2.77 people, while the average family size is 3.21.