Spruce Head, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The crime rate for Spruce Head is 1 in every 98 residents and visitors. Crime statistics in Spruce Head may seem high, but they are not. The crime rate map of Spruce Head is straightforward, and closely resembles state population maps. This map shows that there are 4 crimes committed every year in Spruce Head. The crime rate is higher in the southwest part of the city.

While the median age for voters in Spruce Head is 48, this is older than the national median age of 38.1. Residents of Spruce Head are more likely to vote for republicans in local and federal elections. They also tend to vote for Democrats more than republicans. For this reason, the population of Spruce Head is divided between the two parties. It is difficult to predict which candidate will win the next election, but it is important to keep this in mind.

The city's population statistics are available online. Census data indicate that the population of the city is growing. It was a sleepy town of 252 in 1970, but by 1980, the population grew to 5,963 people. By 1990, the population reached 16,829, and leveled off to its current population of approximately 25,000. The town's population growth is a reflection of the increasing popularity of the area and the quality of life it offers.