Wytopitlock, Maine Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets in Wystopitlock City, ME, you're in the right place. This town is located within 78 miles of other big cities and small towns. Despite its small size, Wytopitlock, ME has a great deal to offer! There are many things to do in this town, and you'll find that people in Wytopitlock are friendly and helpful.

The population of Wytopitlock is made up of 395 people, with 115 being under the age of twenty-three. The median age of residents is 41.8 and 39.3% are over twenty-three. There are roughly 730 births and 813 deaths every year. The city is mostly white and married, with approximately 391 male residents and four female residents. Despite its small size, the population of Wytopitlock is home to several interesting businesses, including a local gas station and a local restaurant.

While Wytopitlock may not be as safe as other cities, the crime rate is low compared to other cities of the same size. Interestingly, crime is higher in the west of the city than in the north. The northwest of the city is relatively safe. If you're a resident of the city, you should be aware of the local crime rates. Listed below are crime rates for Wytopitlock by neighborhood.