Brinklow, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for Population & Steets in Branklow, MD, you've come to the right place. You can find out all you need to know about this town in the table below. It shows you the number of people over 25 years old, their education attainment, and other important stats. The table below includes data for the city's most popular demographics.

Consider the neighborhood in which you're interested in living. Don't settle for a neighborhood where every house looks like it's from the same subdivision. It's a good sign if there's a parking space, but not every house in the neighborhood has it. Make sure you'll be able to park your car in a garage, too, and check on the overall maintenance of the neighborhood. If your neighbors are well-maintained, that's another good sign that you'll be happy living there.

Approximately 16.1% of the population lives in Brinklow. There are 156 households in the area. The median household income is $119,000, and the average household income is $151,619. A high school graduate in Brinklow is likely to be employed in the area. Another statistic that will help you decide if the area is right for you is that the median home price is $915,297.