Bryantown, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Bryantown City, MD? If so, you have come to the right place. Read on to find out more about this beautiful city. It is a national center, situated on the Potomac River, inland from the Chesapeake Bay. The city enjoys a mild climate during the months of May, June, and February.

The per capita income in Bryantown is $68,954 and is high compared to the rest of the state and nation. This equates to $275,816 for a family of four. The city is ethnically diverse, with residents identifying themselves as White, African-American, and other races. Among the most common ancestry in Bryantown is German, Norwegian, and English. Despite the diversity of racial origins, English is the main language of life in Bryantown. However, the area also boasts other important languages including Polish and Spanish.

The town is located on a 4,000-acre (16 km2) manor, originally granted to Major William Boarman in 1674. The town is also associated with the flight of John Wilkes Booth in 1865. Mudd's family was buried in the church five miles to the north. Booth met Mudd in the church in November 1864. He would later go on to kill Booth.

The percentage of children in school is lower than the average for southern cities. The number of children in school is a bit lower than the state average, but the percentage of school age is higher. While the city is not as cosmopolitan as other cities in the South, the percentage of black children is higher than the average for a city of similar size. If you live in the city, you may have a hard time locating the city's schools.