Charlott Hall, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Charlott Hall City, North Carolina, you've come to the right place. This article will provide you with some facts about this city and its surrounding areas. If you're new to the area, or you're wondering how the city ranks, read on to learn more about this fascinating city. You'll be glad you did!

The number of people living in Charlotte Hall City is 1,344 people, making it a relatively wealthy city. The median household income is $75,625 a month. The city's poverty rate is less than the state average of 6.97 percent. Despite this, the median gross rent in Charlotte Hall is only $1,142 a month. The city also ranks high on the list of most affordable cities in Maryland.

The city's early residents were a fiercely independent group. Its Declaration of Independence was signed a year before the American equivalent. Because of its railroad connections, landlocked Charlotte also became home to the Confederate Naval Yard. A small skirmish with Cornwallis' army in Charlotte's Square prompted local historians to call Charlotte a "hornet's nest" of rebellion. The city remained relatively obscure, however. Visiting President George Washington called Charlotte "trifling" and a "nest of rebellion."

Charlotte is a major banking center. Its two NBA teams, the Charlotte Hornets, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame are among its top attractions. Charlotte is also home to NASCAR events, including the world's first professional stock car race. In fact, residents of Charlotte's Uptown neighborhood enjoy the NASCAR Hall of Fame and the Charlotte & Charlotte Motor Speedway.