Clear Spring, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Clear Springs is a small city complex in north-central Maryland. It borders Pennsylvania. The city has a comfortable climate in June, September, and August, with January being one of the least comfortable months. There are a number of noteworthy places to visit while living in Clear Spring. The city has a low poverty rate compared to the rest of Maryland, at 9.4%. For more information, please visit

The median household income in Clear Spring is $51,944. The population of this city is comprised of all races and ethnicities. There are eight percent of White residents and two percent of Asian residents. Hispanic people make up 8.7% of the population. The median age of Clear Spring City residents is 41.9 years. The median income is $51,944.

In Clear Spring, MD, males earn a higher than average income than females. Males earn an average of $65,242 compared to $46,238 for females. This indicates that income inequality is lower in the city than in the rest of the United States. There are twenty-five households in Clear Spring, MD. Of these, twenty-two are employed in Manufacturing and forty-six percent work in Retail Trade.