Colora, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For your reference, we have listed the population and steets of each Colorado city. The data are based on the latest census results, and include all cities, towns, and unincorporated places in Colorado. The latest rebased population figures are also included. They use the most recent census block data to calculate significant changes. In addition to the population, we have also listed the housing demographics for each city in Colora City.

The population of Colorado City, CO is composed of 86.5% whites, 5.4% blacks, and 2.5% hispanics. Its median household income is $42,408. The median household income in Colora City, CO is $42,408. The majority of households are owner-occupied (71.2%), while the remaining twenty-one percent are renters. The median age is 37.5 years.

There were 1,790 households in Colora City, CO, with a population density of 43.5 per square mile (16.8 per square kilometer). The percentage of households who own one or more cars is 60.4%, compared to 6.3% for households with two cars, or 0.3% for households with no cars at all. The median age was 14.2%, and the proportion of adults who own two cars was 66.7%. Of those who have health insurance, 96.7% have a plan through their employer. Of the population over 18, ten2.7 males outnumber females.

The percentage of people who are US citizens in Colorado City, CO is 100 percent. This number is consistent with similar cities nationwide. Forty-one percent of residents are over the age of eighteen, while four percent are sixty-five years old or older. As a matter of fact, Colorado City is a very diverse community with a high percentage of Latinos. However, despite the racial composition of Colorado City, the city is still the home of many Vietnam veterans.