Coltons Point, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The crime rate in Coltons Point City is relatively high, although it is less so in south Coltons Point. Overall crime rates in Coltons Point are higher than those in neighboring cities. Crime rates are measured in crimes per thousand people in a year. The crime map below compares crime in Coltons Point City to nearby cities with comparable population and crime rate.

The population of Coltons Point City is predominantly white, with only a minority of residents being black. However, there is also a significant Hispanic community, with about 2.3% of residents identifying themselves as such. The median household income in Coltons Point City is $57,500, with an average household income of $78,476. The percentage of residents who completed high school is 71%.

The population of Colton is about 2.5 percent of the total population of San Bernardino County. The median household size in Colton is 3.3 people, which is similar to the county-wide average. According to the U.S. Census, about twenty percent of Colton residents were single-parent households, while 22 percent were families with five or more. About 16 percent of the population earned $100,000 or more.

The majority of people living in ZIP code 20626 are white, with a relatively high proportion of seniors. There are relatively few people who work from home, with most making their commutes of about half an hour or more. In fact, the number of commutes that last over 45 minutes is quite high.