Conowingo, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will show you the population and steets of Conowingo City, Iowa. The map will show you the population's percentage of different races. The percentages are self-reported. The darker the color, the greater the percentage of people of that race. You can also see how diverse the area is and what diversity scores it has. You will be able to tell if the city is safe for families and what you can expect from it.

The Conowingo city population is made up of approximately 4,045 residents. There are a total of 31,223 occupied households and a total of 3,238 vacancies. There are approximately 1,144 births and 689 deaths every year. The percentage of single family detached homes is pretty consistent over the years. Single family attached homes, which are also known as town homes and row houses, are also fairly common. There are also apartments that have two to 50 units.

The median household income in CONOWINGO is $80,161, which is relatively high compared to other ZIP codes in Maryland. However, if you live in CONOWINGO, MD and want to know the median income for this zip code, you should consider looking in the city's public schools. In addition, you can learn about the median household size in CONOWINGO by looking up the median household income in the city.