Dameron, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population - A quick snapshot of the number of people in Dameron City, Westeros. In this game, there are 316 total people living in the city. There are 166 males and 150 females. The average age for residents is 38.2 years, and the number of births and deaths is N/A per year. Race breakdown in Dameron varies, but the city has 313 races in total.

Demographics - The percentage of people in a city or county based on their education level can be valuable for a variety of reasons. Whether it's education, income, or a combination of factors, knowing the percentage of people in a community can help inform decisions about the environment of your children. It can also help you determine which job markets are best for the kids. The number of people over 16 who are educated in Dameron City varies depending on their gender, race, and age.

Housing in Dameron is relatively stable, with N/A households. The proportion of single family homes has remained relatively consistent throughout the years. There are also N/A single-family attached housing units, also known as row houses and town homes. Apartments, meanwhile, range from two to fifty units. The population of Dameron City has a moderate rate of unemployment, and is home to N/A people.