Derwood, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Derwood is located in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is a small community with a population of approximately 2,565 people. The population is growing at a rate of 0.59% per year and increased by 1.18% from the 2010 census. Derwood has a median household income of $130,258 and a poverty rate of 9.79%. The median rent in the city is $1,408, and the median house value is $554,100. The median age of the population is 51 years old, with males outnumbering females by almost 103.2 to one.

The racial diversity of the city is reflected in its color. The area shaded green has a higher percentage of people of a particular race than the area colored red. Diversity in a city means that there are different races living in close proximity. All-white neighborhoods are considered lacking diversity. As Redwood City continues to develop, it continues to increase its diversity and become a destination for people seeking affordable housing.

The encampment near the Bed, Bath & Beyond store has several residents. Most of them moved to Redwood City from similar locations in Santa Clara. One resident, Kotter, was evicted from his home six months ago. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and would rather live outdoors. However, he prefers to stay outdoors, sitting in a black swivel office chair on the sidewalk.