Finksburg, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Fincksburg City? There is a list of cities located within 19 miles of Finksburg, MD. These cities are located in the vicinity of Finksburg, MD, and have an estimated population of approximately 2,086 people. You can also search for flights to nearby cities by entering the destination's name and the nearest airport.

The map below shows the population and steets of Finksburg City, Maryland. The map shows the number of residents by race. The majority race is based on self-identification. The darker the shade, the greater the racial majority. In addition, the map includes data on racial diversity scores. Using these statistics, you can make informed decisions about the education system for your children.

Crime rates in Finksburg vary by neighborhood. Those in the southeast and southwest neighborhoods have a lower crime rate than those in the city's northeast and northwest areas. The crime rate in these areas is higher than in other neighborhoods because of the large number of retail establishments. Although these are safe areas, these areas are still dangerous for residents. Nevertheless, these crime rates may be misleading. These figures are only a snapshot of the population of Finksburg and do not necessarily reflect the actual crime rate.