Fort Ritchie, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Fort Ridgidge? Find out the median income and household income of Fort Ritchie residents by race and gender. The percentage of households that live below the poverty line varies. In Fort Ritchie, MD, the percentage of full-time workers who own a car is 0%. Non-workers, meanwhile, make up 0% of the population.

The average age of residents in Fort Ritchie City is 34 years. Of those adults who are over 18, 20.3% are single. For those who have children, nearly one-third of the population is a parent. A quarter of adult civilians in Fort Ritchie are veterans, while only 6.5% of the civilian population is under 18.

Fort Ritchie is a small city complex in north-central Maryland, near the Pennsylvania state line. Its climate varies greatly, with some months being more pleasant than others. However, the most common time to visit Fort Ritchie is during the warmest months of June, July, and August. The weather is often mild, with temperatures reaching as high as 70 degrees Fahrenheit in summer. But be aware that temperatures can be very high in winter.

The majority of young men at Fort Ritchie were immigrants to the U.S. and possessed the critical skill of speaking more than one language. The 2004 documentary The Ritchie Boys showed Hans Spear as one of the trainees. The military could train raw recruits in six months, but it took much longer to gain a handle on a foreign language. The film depicted the experience of young men at Camp Ritchie.