Galesville, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Galensville City? Find out here. This article explains the basic facts about Galesville City. If you're looking to move to Galesville, Wisconsin, read on to discover more. We've provided the most accurate and up-to-date population statistics for the entire county of Galesville. This information is based on the most recent census data available.

The population of Galesville is comprised mainly of Whites. There are about 1.63k residents in the city. The second most prevalent racial group is Asian, while 0.824% of the city is hispanic. The average household size in Galesville is 3.4 people. The city has a low crime rate, and many residents are college-educated. However, if you're looking for a neighborhood with a strong community feel, Galesville might be a good choice.

The city has a moderately diverse population. While the majority of its residents identify as White, Black, and African-American, there are many others whose ancestry is of other ethnic groups. Many people are of English, Scottish, German, and Scandinavian descent, among other things. The most common language is English, but other important languages are Italian, Slavic, and German.

The median household income in Galesville, WI is $54,625. The highest wage is in Health Care & Social Assistance, and the lowest is in Retail Trade. The average household income in Galesville is $32,868. Despite the relatively low income, Galesville has a low poverty rate and has a high median age of 37. While the poverty rate is low, it's still higher than the national average.