Glen Arm, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many important details to know about the population of Glen Arm City. The following data will help you understand the demographics of this city. In addition to the population data, you can also find out the racial makeup of Glen Arm. The number of people who are college educated is the most prominent aspect of this city. As a result, you will find that the city is largely comprised of college graduates and educated citizens.

In Glen Arm, there are a total of 4,144 residents. Out of these, 1,227 are under the age of 20. This figure includes 782 males and 445 females. Also, the number of births and deaths is around 9,063 each year. The race breakdown varies by year, but there are 43 races represented in the city. Therefore, you will find a large diversity of residents in Glen Arm.

In Glen Arm, the number of violent crimes per thousand people is 3.06 per thousand residents. The most safe neighborhoods are located in the northeast and west parts of the city. However, the rate of violent crimes is one in five57 in the northeastern part of the city. Although the numbers are not intuitive, these statistics will generally be more comparable to the state averages. Therefore, it's best to look at crime rates in the city based on the number of crimes per 1000 people.