Glenarden, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Glenarden, MD's population is growing, and the median age of its citizens is 41.1 years. The median age for native-born residents is 38 years, while the median age for foreign-born residents is 52 years. The median age is increasing. In 2019, there were around forty people in Glenarden, and in 2020, the median age will be four years older. Most of its residents were born outside the United States, with El Salvador, China, and India being the top three foreign-born nations of birth.

Glenarden, MD has a population of approximately 6.16k people. Its median age is 41.1 years, and its median household income is $87,914. The city's median property value is $297,400, and its homeownership rate is 85.7%. The median age of residents is forty-one years old, with males older than females.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Glenarden, MD is a multi-racial city. It has a minority population of Asian and European descent, but the majority of its population is white. In addition, about 0.3% of Glenarden's population is foreign-born. The remainder is from Africa, with just under 4% hailing from Eastern Europe.

Glenarden is located in Maryland, in the Montgomery County area. The city's population is spread among many subregions. Subregion 5 contains no municipalities, while Subregion 6 and Seven have one to three residents each. Subregion 4 has five small municipalities, including Glenarden.