Glyndon, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To know more about the population and steets of Glyndon City, you need to look at the maps and statistics provided below. These maps can be useful in planning your vacation and for planning your daily routine. By comparing the crime rates in different areas, you can see which neighborhood is safest for you. Below, you'll also find the population and steets of the surrounding area.

The majority of households are headed by a married couple. Glyndon has a 78% married couple percentage, while Briarwood has a 100% married-couple percentage. In Glyndon, the percentage of married-couple households is the largest, which means that the city is more conservative. The proportion of single people is lower than that of other Minnesota communities, as Glyndon has a lower percentage of singles than the state average.

The following chart illustrates the percentage of unwed births in Glyndon. It shows that in the greater Glyndon area, unmarried births have the highest percentage. Glyndon is also home to the highest percentage of unwed mothers with at least a Bachelors degree. This is not surprising given the number of single mothers living in Glyndon.

Glyndon has a high proportion of white residents. A third is black, and the rest is Hispanic. It is important to consider the socioeconomic status of the community when targeting marketing strategies. Glyndon has an average income of $83,083 and a high school graduation rate of 78%. These numbers can help you determine who your target market is. If you're thinking of marketing a product or service to residents of Glyndon, take a look at the demographics in detail and decide whether this is the best area for your brand.