Great Mills, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Great Mills, Maryland consists of a diverse group of people from a variety of races. This number fluctuates somewhat, but is generally lower than the national average. The city has a low percentage of vacancies and little vacancy. As for the number of abandoned properties, the city is home to a number of nursing homes and correctional facilities. Because the population of Great Mills is a mix of people from all walks of life, the community has a high percentage of senior citizens, making education more accessible to this demographic.

Violent crime in Great Mills is rated 3.05 crimes per thousand residents each year. The northwest part of Great Mills has the lowest rate, with violent crime affecting one in every five residents. Northeast neighborhoods are the most violent, while southwest neighborhood have low violent crime rates. While the violent crime rate map might appear to show red areas as unsafe, this is not always true. Crime in general happens where people gather.

While the median age of people in Great Mills is just over a quarter of a century, the area has an average population density. The city's population is made up of a mix of people from all walks of life, and is made up of about equal numbers of men and women. Nearly 47% of the population is a child. Residents of Great Mills are primarily employed, and have a high income.