Harmans, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for demographics data for Harmans, Maryland? We can help you find out! The city has approximately 1,139 residents. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 25.8% of the population is white and 51.7% is black. However, it is important to note that there are many people of both races in the city. Fortunately, we have the population data you need! Listed below are some important facts about the people and neighborhoods in Harmans, MD.

The first thing to understand about violent crime in Harmans is that the rate varies by neighborhood. For example, the southwest and west parts of the city have much lower violent crime rates than the rest of the city. Therefore, if you're looking for the safest part of town, you'll want to look west. Alternatively, the northeast and east parts of the city are safer than the rest.

If you want to check out nearby towns, the population and steets in Harmans, MD, are fairly comparable to other nearby towns. You can find flights to Harmans City and other nearby cities on a Google map. The smaller towns are useful for weekend trips and traveling between cities. The big cities may also have more interesting attractions for tourists. With so much to see and do, you'll definitely want to explore the area around Harmans, MD.