Hurlock, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Hurlock is approximately 1,958 people. There are about four hundred and fifty households in the city. A significant number of residents are married. The median income is $36,352, and a quarter of the population is Hispanic. The percentage of households with children is about the same as the national average. The city has a poverty rate of 3.6 percent. You can learn more about the economic situation in the city by looking at the statistics of its population.

The most common employment sectors in Hurlock, MD include Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Construction. These sectors are not limited to residents of the city; some people may work in other locations. Census data are tagged to residential addresses. The projected change in domestic outbound trade is a bit higher than the state's average, but the population is still high. And the population is growing - with over 5,000 new residents.

The median age in Hurlock City was 44.4 in 2019. This percentage includes both native-born citizens and foreign-born citizens. For example, the most common foreign-born citizens were born in El Salvador, India, China, and the United States. Interestingly, the percentage of foreign-born residents is nearly double the national average. If you are planning to move to Hurlock, MD, be sure to check out the demographics of the area.