Jarrettsville, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Located in Harford County, Maryland, Jarrettsville is an unincorporated community and census-designated place. Its population is approximately 7,800. The city is part of the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area. Its zip code is 21102.

Jarrettsville is comprised of a diverse population. The median age is 45.1 years old, and the population is split 49 percent male and 51 percent female. It has a high percentage of married residents and an average family size of 3.18 people.

The median property value in Jarrettsville is $435,700. This is 1.9 times higher than the national average of $229,800. The homeownership rate is 82.1%, and the median property value was $435,700 in 2020. The median home owner owns two cars, and the median commute time is 40.1 minutes.

The median household income is $27,060. In Maryland, this is close to the national average. The median income in Jarrettsville is $24,090 per person, which is much higher than the national median. In addition to median income, Jarrettsville is also home to many professionals. There are about 5,000 people living in Jarrettsville, MD.

Jarrettsville is located in east-central Maryland and is 40 miles northeast of Washington, DC. It has a median age of 48.3, and is made up of a majority of White non-Hispanic citizens and 2.23% foreign-born residents.