Linkwood, Maryland Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Linkwood City? Using the links below you can find out. Linkwood is a city in Dorchester County, MD. It has a total population of NR people and 0 public schools. The average Homefacts school rating is NA. The crime rate is high with 1 sex offender per 1,000 people. The average home value is $0, but you can also get a property report for any Linkwood address.

The population of Linkwood City is 473 residents. Of these, 211 people are male and 262 are female. The average age of these residents is 40.5, with a median of 44.7. There are approximately 331 births and 403 deaths each year. The city is made up of both white and black residents, but the population is also made up of two different races. The percentage of black people in Linkwood varies, but overall, it is around 2% white.

The murder rate in Linkwood City varies significantly between neighborhoods. In the southern part of the city, murder rates are as high as one in 16351, while they are lower in the middle of the city. Using the murder rate as a standard, it's not as intuitive as it may sound. In general, the southwest and central part of the city are safer than the north and west parts.